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picture1_Play Therapy Pdf 104563 | Paper Item Download 2022-09-23 23-49-02

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Play Therapy Pdf 104563 | Paper Item Download 2022-09-23 23-49-02

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Published as a conference paper at iclr using ml to close the vocabulary gap in contextofenvironmentandclimatechangein chichewa ameliataylor department of computer science thepolytechnic university malawi ataylor poly ac mw abstract inthewest alienationfromnatureanddeterioratingopportunitiestoexperienceit have led educators incorporate programs schools bring pupils contact with nature and enhance their understanding issues related environ ment its protection africa where most people engage agriculture spend time outdoors alienation from na ture is happening too although different ways large portion indigenous knowledge remains unknown or slowly disappearing there need build glossary terms regarding environment climate change vernacular improve dialog environmen tal we believe that has role play closing concepts exists other malawian languages by helping creating visual dictionary key used describe explain volved meaning descriptive language one english term may be translated several wo...

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