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File: Pdf Language 104439 | Onoma 55 06 Blomqvist Final Web August
onoma 55 journal of the international council of onomastic sciences issn 0078 463x e issn 1783 1644 journal homepage https onomajournal org bilingual personal designations in medieval finnish sources oliver ...

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...Onoma journal of the international council onomastic sciences issn x e homepage https onomajournal org bilingual personal designations in medieval finnish sources oliver blomqvist sodertorn university sweden to cite this article doi link and author history received on february final form accepted june published online july abstract most territory modern day finland was part swedish kingdom during period around replaced latin as official language while essentially remained a for oral communication until th century nevertheless traces mostly proper names can be found various kinds old charters occasionally scribes even rendered toponyms locative case forms particular when indicating origin named individuals surprising occurrence endings has generally been considered result deficient proficiency paper it is shown that contrary earlier views use follows clear pattern which suggests speaking areas realm were at very least able understand some used conscious manner suitable keywords mixing p...

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