grammatical gender and grammatical stems how many grammatical genders exist in czech how can we tell the grammatical gender of a noun what is a grammatical stem and how do ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Grammatical gender and stems how many genders exist in czech can we tell the of a noun what is stem do determine it why knowing important does ending help us to know whether hard or soft like other european languages german french spanish but unlike english nouns are marked for has three masculine m feminine f neuter n partly overlap with natural human beings so have uitel male teacher uitelka female sportovec athlete sportovkyn feature all names inanimate things places abstractions plays an role grammar works maskulinum femininum nebo neutrum look at last consonant vowel word nominative singular basic dictionary form great majority that end profesor professor hrad castle stl table pes dog autobus bus poita computer aj tea sesit workbook mobil cell phone be further divided into animate people animals profesorka lampa lamp koka cat kniha book ryba fish fotka photo tida classroom podlaha floor budova building o okno window pivo beer triko t shirt pero pen msto city auto car e mostly uebn...