a prototype of a grammar checker for czech i tomtit holan vladislav kubofi martin plfitek dept of software and computer lnst of formal and appi ling dept of theoretical comp ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...A prototype of grammar checker for czech i tomtit holan vladislav kubofi martin plfitek dept software and computer lnst formal appi ling theoretical comp sc science education charles university prague republic vk u fal ms mff cuni cz platek ka ksvi abstract create dll library with the standard this paper describes implementation checking interface required by particular text editor based idea turned out to be unrealistic because basic ideas behind necessary is among classified inside demo implemented as an independent program information in most companies fortunately there cooperating microsoft word possibility use concept dynamic data exchange uses specialized formalism which dde communication between programs generally enables check errors languages windows environment type very high degree order freedom connection course much slower than intended one but purpose demonstration introduction difference speed not so important our system can work any under automatic fields that contains ...