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picture1_Language Pdf 102534 | Bw Setswana Language Lessons

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File: Language Pdf 102534 | Bw Setswana Language Lessons
peace corps botswana an introduction to the setswana language setswana is one of the bantu language groups mostly spoken in botswana south africa and namibia southern africa the following lessons ...

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...Peace corps botswana an introduction to the setswana language is one of bantu groups mostly spoken in south africa and namibia southern following lessons have been designed suit any new learner who has had little or no exposure remember will be a useful tool your work aid you integrating well community making accessible substantial segment population with english skills amogetswe mo puong ya pula table contents topic audio guide lesson page pronunciation bw mp greetings formal informal dialogue introducing self someone leave taking expressions vocabulary verbs some nouns pronouns connecting words negation question commands expressing needs food items family adverbs time days activities names places similar spelling but differing meaning asking for prices weather health safety alphabet like example father batho people b baby baba enemies ch church chenchi change d debt ditau lions e ey they came pele first represents begin bina dance two sounds there ema stand f far fela only g sound ma...

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