enriching a lexical resource for french verbs with aspectual information anna kup clle and universite bordeaux montaigne france pauline haas umrlattice 8094 and universite paris 13 france rafael marin umrstl8163 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Enriching a lexical resource for french verbs with aspectual information anna kup clle and universite bordeaux montaigne france pauline haas umrlattice paris rafael marin umrstl cnrs de lille f antonio balvet abstract the paper presents syntactico semantic lexicon of over thousand it has been created by manually adding aspect features to verb frames from treelex we present how original syntactic adapted current project our assignment procedure an overview resulting acm subject classication computing methodologies language resources semantics extraction keywords phrases computational corpora based methods in engineering electronic tools formalization natural languages digital object identier oasics ldk supplementary material dataset http redac univ tlse fr lexiques treelexplusplus html introduction processing e g parsing text generation as well oriented humanities applications discourse analysis stylometry machine tractable human readable large scale re sources are still very valuable a...