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picture1_Language Pdf 102003 | B7e47b99a1c1ea4a5ab0430db8da9c02eec1

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File: Language Pdf 102003 | B7e47b99a1c1ea4a5ab0430db8da9c02eec1
bridging the digital divide in sri lanka some challenges and opportunities in using sinhala in ict s t nandasara yoshiki mikami university of colombo school of computing language observatory no ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Bridging the digital divide in sri lanka some challenges and opportunities using sinhala ict s t nandasara yoshiki mikami university of colombo school computing language observatory no reid avenue nagaoka technology niigata japan stn ucsc cmb ac lk kjs nagaokaut jp general every day communication both interpersonal abstract mass them tamil are considered national languages while english is gap usage as a link to major access has been investigated ethnic groups island thus written documents by scholars policy makers mainly an on paper or other materials appear one two all economy specific issue that permeates population these across demographic profiles such income syllabic alphabet which gender age education race region but not consonants have inherent vowel this different communities differs from indo aryan it lack native driven contains special sounds unique since th conducive factor century d writing system used presence set five nasal derived brahmi known half prenasalised stops co...

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