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...P ojo npc sm okzp oct ar anrv es tex xmlpublish low annurev ecolsys annu rev ecol evol syst doi c copyright by annual reviews all rights reserved first published online as a review in advance on august landscapeecology whatisthestate of the science monicag turner department zoology university wisconsin madison email turnermg wisc edu keywords disturbance fragmentation spatial heterogeneity pattern succession abstract landscapeecologyfocusesonthereciprocalinteractionsbetweenspa tial and ecological processes it is well integrated with ecology eld has grown rapidly over past years persistent inuence land use history natural contemporary ecosystems become apparent devel opment metrics largely stabilized they are widely used to relate landscape responses analyses conducted at multiple scales have demonstrated importance for many taxa spatially medi ated interspecic interactions receiving increased attention remains prominentinlandscapestudies andcurrentresearchisaddressingdisturbanceinterac...