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picture1_Language Pdf 101755 | Ling 367 Final Paper

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File: Language Pdf 101755 | Ling 367 Final Paper
conjunctverbsinpunjabiandacrossindo aryan acorpusstudy aryamanarora georgetown university aa2190 georgetown edu abstract genre doc sent tok misc 71 1664 i introduce a new universal dependencies cor news 3 71 1274 pus for ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Conjunctverbsinpunjabiandacrossindo aryan acorpusstudy aryamanarora georgetown university aa edu abstract genre doc sent tok misc i introduce a new universal dependencies cor news pus for punjabi and investigate the syntactic editorial behaviour of conjunct verbs across indo blog aryanfamily find evidence com total ponent stickiness from corpus data that sup ports treatment as sin table in ud by gle constituent work is step towards bet columnsare documents sentences tokens ter coverage further investigation comparative historical lin ent other verbal arguments it actually guistic questions sensible to treat adj noun hosts single introduction class many works do language spoken land fiver designing rivers area around tributaries indus river now partitioned into punjab ad purpose having broader selection ministrative regions india pakistan respec languages examine created tively has over million native speakers syntactically annotated prestige dialect majhi lit middle nivre et al associa...

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