basic hindi a two semester course of hindi for non native speakers linguistic empowerment cell at jnu is organizing a course in hindi for non native speakers in the campus ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Basic hindi a two semester course of for non native speakers linguistic empowerment cell at jnu is organizing in the campus as well foreign students from different countries will cater to needs those who have had very little or no exposure past broad objectives these courses be help overcome their inhibition speak them understand both formal and informal equip with such communicative skills by engaging meaningful conversations introduce syntactic structures vocabulary enable read simple texts beginning complex end write better areas covered sounds devanagri alphabet conversational listening comprehension reading writing norms politeness methodology lec uses innovative methods language teaching text context are center whole enterprise approach not linear additive we don t move alphabets words sentences eventually instead start small interesting it holistic focus on rich input whenever there suitable opportunity structural patterns brought out learners then discussed collaboration tutor ...