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...Nitk uoh tamil telugumachinetranslationsystemsforthewmt similar language translation task richard saldanha parameswarikrishnamurthy ananthanarayanav s and anandkumarm centreforappliedlinguistics department of information technology studies national institute karnataka university hyderabad nh srinivasnagar surathkal mangalore prof cr rao road india gachibowli richardsaldanha it edu in telangana anvs pksh uohyd ac m anandkumar abstract usa canadaandtheuk bothlanguagesbelong this work two neural machine transla to the dravidian family languages which com tion nmt systems have been developed prise telugu kannada malayalam as evaluated part bidirectional major spokeninsouthindia despite telugusimilarlanguagestranslationsubtaskin belonging same there wmt opennmt py toolkit has are many differences between used create quick prototypes suchasthescriptusedforwritingandlinguisticdif following models trained on ferences terms phonology morphology syn training datasets containing parallel tax amon...