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picture1_Language Pdf 99268 | Wmt32 Item Download 2022-09-21 14-31-03

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File: Language Pdf 99268 | Wmt32 Item Download 2022-09-21 14-31-03
ju saarland submission in the wmt2019 english gujarati translation sharedtask 1 1 1 riktim mondal shankharajnayek adityachowdhury 2 1 2 santanupal sudip kumar naskar josef van genabith 1jadavpur university kolkata ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Ju saarland submission in the wmt english gujarati translation sharedtask riktim mondal shankharajnayek adityachowdhury santanupal sudip kumar naskar josef van genabith jadavpur university kolkata india germany riktimrules shankharaj gmail com santanu pal vangenabith uni de cse jdvu ac abstract to increase size of parallel training dataset news shared task this paper we describe our joint onesuchresourcescarcelanguagepairisenglish from and due insufcient volume corporaavailabletotrainannmtsystemforthese for language pairs creation more actual synthetic pair within sub data low resources languages such as track baseline primary submis sions are built using a recurrent neural net is an important issue work rnn based machine described partici nmt systemwhichfollowsattentionmecha pation nism followed by ne tuning domain versity given fact that two be long different families there released set completely differ not enough building high quality system ent compared development difcult produce...

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