1 developing a grammar checker for swedish antti arppe lingsoft inc university of helsinki antti arppe iki fi a grammar checker for swedish launched on the market as grammatifix has ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Developing a grammar checker for swedish antti arppe lingsoft inc university of helsinki iki fi launched on the market as grammatifix has been developed at in this paper gives first brief background checking projects nordic languages with an emphasis then concept and definition general is discussed followed by overview starting points limitations that had setting up development project after initial product process described leading to error types covered presently treatment scheme presented focus its relationship detection rules finally included are compared those two other known namely scarrie granska introduction software programs designated checkers have since s foremost english but also major european bustamante leon similar endeavors scarce notable exception being virkku system finnish was kielikone ltd side kick company long term efforts machine translation from despite technical does not use full scale deep syntactic parser instead based lighter unification approach unfortunate...