school of modern languages and cultures swedish the objective of the swedish programme is to bring students to a proficient level in the language and gain a good command of ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...School of modern languages and cultures swedish the objective programme is to bring students a proficient level in language gain good command four skills speaking listening reading writing acquire sound knowledge culture society as well offered minor order declare must complete two introductory courses swed credits all year or followed by advanced i e finally are encouraged participate week linguistic stay sweden during summer either between their second third fourth study expected take following prerequisite core ii iii this course for beginners will introduce essentials cover with special emphasis on learn how interact everyday situations describe personal circumstances such family profession hobbies apart from using textbooks additional classroom materials videos other audio visuals be used also give an insight since norway denmark closely related enable develop understanding scandinavia assessment coursework continuation further able engage short conversations about shopping means ...