syllabus under choice based credit system b a sindhi 1 sindhi core courses sindhi course i history of sindhi language and scripts the course provides a brief introduction to the ...
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...Syllabus under choice based credit system b a sindhi core courses course i history of language and scripts the provides brief introduction to beginning writing in within emergence culture india is addressed start with this followed by discussion on families indian sub continent indo aryan family languages which belongs subsequent three parts deal old middle modern phases last phase deals regional varieties prescribed text adwani bherumal mahirchand boli ji tarikh department university delhi jetley murlidhar bolia jo sirishto ain likhavat akhil bhartiya sahitya vidvat parishad reading list rohira satish atamkatha times publication ulhas nagar hiranandani popati muhinji mau published writer kolaba mumbai ii dialects aims at creating an awareness linguistic usage their successful application creative literature it looks various aspects high literary rules grammar alongside common conversational colloquial early commentaries prose books poetry terms words grammatical forms would be enuncia...