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picture1_Language Pdf 99180 | Sindhi A   (1)

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File: Language Pdf 99180 | Sindhi A (1)
bloom s taxonomy levels 1 remember 2 understand 3 application 4 analysis 5 evaluation 6 creation programme name ba sindhi programme specific outcome pso pso1 learn and understand the basics ...

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...Bloom s taxonomy levels remember understand application analysis evaluation creation programme name ba sindhi specific outcome pso learn and the basics of language at beginner intermediate level like grammar phonetics culture history literature advanced develop four skills reading writing speaking listening simple short text in form poetry prose read poem ghazal fictional non study different literary genre also author point view contemporary society civilization with support syllabus courses maharaja sayajirao university baroda faculty arts academic year department b a regular i allied rapid credits hours per week reader semester introduction maximum marks grade revision mode transaction lectures tutorials course co understanding alphabet about basic rules skill pronunciation aspects uni topic unit contac weightage bt elemen releva relatio t ts nce to n no employ local gender ability l g emp nationa enviro entrepr nment eneursh region ip al r sustain ent lobal es develo human pment men...

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