Editorial Board Members Research India Publications Head Office: B-2/84, Ground Floor, Rohini Sector-16, Delhi-110 089 (INDIA) K.K. Pandey, Phone No.: +91-11-65394240 • Fax: +91-11-27297815 Management and Economic Website: www.ripublication.com • E-mail: info@ripublication.com Studies Deptt., University Of Petroleum & International Journal of Economic Research and Networking (IJERN) Energy Studies, Dehradun, Homepage: http://www.ripublication.com/ijern.htm Uttarakhand, India ISSN: Call for Papers Editor-in-chief: Dear Colleagues, We would like to invite you to submit manuscripts of your original papers, for possible publication in International Journal of Economic Research and Networking (IJERN), which publishes research papers form the ...
International Journal of Education and Research Contemporary Research Center CRC Publications web: www.ijern.com e-mail: editor@ijern.com ISSN: 2411-5681 February 16, 2020 Drs. Juliper Nainggolan, M.Si. University of HKBP Nomensen, North Sumatera – Indonesia E-mail (Corresponding): julifer.uhn@yahoo.com Subject: Review Report of the Research Paper Title: Analysis of The Success Rate of Thematic Learning Implementation of Low Grade Elementary School Manuscript ID: 204846 Dear Author, Congratulation! We are happy to inform you that the manuscript has been accepted. Thanks a lot for your interest in International Journal of Education and Research. Your research problem is of interest ...
International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 7 No. 5 May 2019 USING EDUCATIONAL GAME APPS IN IMPROVING STUDENTS MATHEMATICS’ LEARNING: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY ON THIRD GRADER AT-RISK CLASSROOM AT PRIMARY SCHOOL IN SELANGOR, MALAYSIA Authors: Syaza Hazirah Mohd Hashim [Ph.D Candidates] [a], Sulaiman Hashim [b], Tunku Badariah Tunku Ahmad [c] [a]Kulliyah of Education, International Islamic University Malaysia, syazaazie@gmail.com [b]Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Kulliyah of Education, International Islamic University Malaysia, sulaimanh@iium.edu.my [c]Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Kulliyah of Education, International Islamic University Malaysia, tbadariah@iium.edu.my Corresponding Author: Syaza Hazirah Mohd Hashim Kulliyah of Education ...