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international journal of education and research vol 7 no 5 may 2019 using educational game apps in improving students mathematics learning an exploratory study on third grader at risk classroom ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...International journal of education and research vol no may using educational game apps in improving students mathematics learning an exploratory study on third grader at risk classroom primary school selangor malaysia authors syaza hazirah mohd hashim sulaiman tunku badariah ahmad kulliyah islamic university syazaazie gmail com department curriculum instruction sulaimanh iium edu my tbadariah corresponding author sponsoring information this was supported by mybrain s scholarship issn www ijern abstract researches the effectiveness technology used had shed different light its affordances line with st century student getting savvy days call for newer relevant approaches towards use should be considered as a tool to meet demanding niche group such special need learner who more comprehensive inclusive tutoring fill gap paper explored facilitating four schools one districts pre post test showed that based app improved mental calculation reduced time needed complete exercise much deeper cond...