speech corpora o c09 india recent developments in text speech corpora i 500 hindi sentences 40 speakers 2 utterances 4 age groups s n 50db a star tools for indian ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Speech corpora o c india recent developments in text i hindi sentences speakers utterances age groups s n db a star tools for indian languages project cdac noida ii phonetically rich by one male speaker labelled country report using htk tool kit manually corrected developing tts ococosda urumqi china august iii hrs telugu kannada english iiit hyd ldc il iv of annotated six language e marathi punjabi bengali assamese manipuri kolkata dr agrawal tamil malayalam and are under development thir advisor dac v data base from persons each ranging executive director kiit gurgaon urdu to alongwith meta information ciil email ssagrawal cdacnoida ss hotmail com vi k transcribed very large no tifr vii multi channel lingual database contemporary non situations applications independent recognition cfsl viii dialectal variations domain specific emotional telephone mobile phones etc drdo ipu tagged corpus words malyalam consortium mcit goi iit b kharagpur other univ parallel members transcription pages...