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picture1_Elsevier Journals List Pdf 98168 | 2016 03 23 Stm Imprint List

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File: Elsevier Journals List Pdf 98168 | 2016 03 23 Stm Imprint List
list of imprints of publisher members of stm revised march 2016 publisher to imprint imprint to publisher publisher imprint former imprints imprint former imprints publisher adis part of springer adis ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...List of imprints publisher members stm revised march to imprint former adis part springer international a k peters ltd taylor francis press aaas american association for the advancement science ablex publishing elsevier magazine corporation chemical society acs academic cell abstracts service accelerated developments inc cas acm computing machinery aip llc institute physics adam hilger matthew digital sage publications education medical ama physical aps aerzte woche business media journals aerzteverlag deutscher verlag gmbh review africa research john wiley sons letters online archive x ajcc cancer staging reviews modern ak psychological apa alan r liss publication allegro allen unwin hyman journal consulting and clinical psychology men masculinity civil engineers asce geophysical union oncology asco anadem medicine nursing co wolters kluwer health bmj group british bmja amirsys publshing informatica anderson borm bruckmeier brill publishers global oriental hes de graaf architectural g...

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