File: Personality Pdf 97240 | Hpi Interpretive Occupational General
the hogan personality inventory interpretive report test test reproduced from the hogan personality inventory copyright 1984 1990 1993 1995 by hogan assessment systems inc all rights reserved test page 1 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The hogan personality inventory interpretive report test reproduced from copyright by assessment systems inc all rights reserved page p o box tulsa ok fax web www hoganassessments com introduction hpi is designed to assess personal qualities that promote success in work relationships education and training life this may reveal areas of unexpected strength conversely some interpersonal tendencies can cause problems either case information will be a useful foundation for professional development because different occupations require characteristics also used aid decisions about personnel selection job change career planning primary scales are adjustment high scorers tend calm self confident steady under pressure low tense moody they not handle well ambition energetic competitive eager advance themselves quiet unassertive less interested advancement sociability outgoing impulsive colorful dislike working do call attention mind alone sensitivity friendly warm sociable independent frank dir...