insight hogan personality inventory hpi report for sam poole id hh802832 date 9 03 2021 2018 hogan assessment systems inc insight report hpi introduction the hogan personality inventory is a ...
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...Insight hogan personality inventory hpi report for sam poole id hh date assessment systems inc introduction the is a measure of normal that uses seven primary scales to describe mr s performance in workplace including how he manages stress interacts with others approaches work tasks and solves problems although presents scores on scale by basis every contributes notes strengths as well areas improvement provides discussion points developmental feedback when examining it important remember high are not necessarily better low worse score reflects distinct shortcomings should be interpreted context person occupational role determine whether these characteristics or potential development based upon accepted five factor model definitions name tend open calm adjustment candid honest steady under pressure moody self critical resistant good team players energetic ambition willing let lead competitive complacent restless forceful at working alone outgoing sociability quiet talkative socially re...