ad alta journal of interdisciplinary research analysis of personality traits among psychological types a stated in table 1 and confirmed their overlapping same did elena lisa some other researchers kosegiova ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Ad alta journal of interdisciplinary research analysis personality traits among psychological types a stated in table and confirmed their overlapping same did elena lisa some other researchers kosegiova letovancova faculty psychology paneuropean university tomasikova pavlikova bratislava slovakia conceptual overlap gpop neo scales golden email paneurouni com p abstract the main aim study was to verify relationship scale based on c g jung s theory five factor inventory profile were extraverting introverting ei extraversion completed by students mathematics informatics sensing intuiting sn openness experience results efa factors type preferences thinking feeling tf agreeableness comparison eight showed expected differences indicated development potential for function judging perceiving jp conscientiousness also importance introverted extraverted attitude when speaking tense calm tec emotional stability about jungian keywords trait this is we expect introduction between regarding empirica...