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picture1_Personality Pdf 97103 | Kandler Et Al In Press   The Nature Of Creativity

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File: Personality Pdf 97103 | Kandler Et Al In Press The Nature Of Creativity
journal of personality and social psychology the nature of creativity the roles of genetic factors personality traits cognitive abilities and environmental sources christian kandler rainer riemann alois angleitner frank m ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Journal of personality and social psychology the nature creativity roles genetic factors traits cognitive abilities environmental sources christian kandler rainer riemann alois angleitner frank m spinath peter borkenau lars penke online first publication january http dx doi org pspp citation c r a f p l advance american psychological association vol no saarland university bielefeld martin luther halle wittenberg georg august gottingen broadly this multitrait multimethod twin study examined structure individual differences in publishers according to different theoretical metrological perspectives as well suggestions based on previous research we expected aspects which can be described allied perceived creative test performance hypothesized that reflecting its disseminated typical thinking behavior should linked specific whereas maximum task related show associations with moreover tested whether variance intelligence one not account for component multiple rater data self peer or is repor...

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