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...Original article issn jomp j oral med pain journal of medicine and http dx doi org hygiene controllability personality type test mbti hye sook park department dental laboratory technology shingu college seongnam korea received january purpose he this study was to investiate the relationship between revised hyiene accepted february methods our hundred eihtytwo collee students in yeonido completed myers ris indicator mi a uestionnaire collected data were analyed by proram esults ompared etroverted subects sinificantly increased percentae introverted demonstrated malodor stress p onue coatin seemed occur most freuently intuitionfeelin while sensationfeelin amon four fuctional types sensationperceivin temperaments inificantly mean scales tonue scrapin inde found for etroverts tooth brushin control correspondence lability appeared be hihest sensationudin onclusions associated with it is neces gwangmyeong ro jungwon gu sary develop health education considerin tel fax e mail hspark ac kr key ...