itc guidelines on test use final version v 1 2 international test commission itc guidelines on test use 8th october 2013 version 1 2 final version document reference itc g ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Itc guidelines on test use final version v international commission th october document reference g tu the contents of this are copyrighted by all rights reserved requests relating to adaptation or translation any it should be addressed secretary general intestcom org formally adopted was council at its june meeting in graz austria european federation professional psychologists associations task force tests and testing also endorsed july rome published online officially stockholm can since found website http www print journal official publication for please as acknowledgements were prepared professor dave bartram author is grateful assistance provided iain coyne execution project following individuals who took part dublin workshop such valuable input development present ms dusica boben produktivnost slovenia mr eugene burke british psychological society england dr wayne camara college board usa jean louis chabot anop france university hull riet dekker swets zeitlinger netherlands lorra...