european journal of psychological assessment vol 20 issue 1 pp 27 38 j rossier et al a compejpa 20 1 arison of 2004the neohogrefepi r huberand the 16 pfpublishers5 the ...
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...European journal of psychological assessment vol issue pp j rossier et al a compejpa arison the neohogrefepi r huberand pfpublishers hierarchical structures neo pi and pf jerome franz meyer de stadelhofen samuel berthoud institute psychology university lausanne switzerland department fribourg keywords personality inventory sixteen factors questionnaire five factor model structure summary presentstudy compares higher level dimensions fifth edition with those revised both inventories measure according to these were however constructedaccordingtodifferentmethods bottom upvs top down bothquestionnaireswerefilled out by participants correlations regressions canonical made it possible compare as expected they roughly same aspects there is coherent association amongfourofthefivedimensionsmeasuredinthetests agreeableness theremaining dimension in not represented our analyses confirmed instruments but this confirmation was more complete case indeed parallel analysis indicated that four solution...