File: Personality Pdf 97032 | Revisedbrochuresept Revised 03092020
online training on life skills and personality development september 21 25 no registration fees 2020 the project entitled center for advanced agricultural science and technology caast is being implemented in ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Online training on life skills and personality development september no registration fees the project entitled center for advanced agricultural science technology caast is being implemented in icar indian research institute new delhi under world bank sponsored national higher education nahep of council government india since one major objectives to provide a platform m sc ph d students from different disciplines undergo several relevant trainings institutes international repute by organizing lectures programs student faculty nares background are indispensable every individual sustain grow their workplace personal successful satisfying career researchers mannerism academicians needs besides organizatio nal networking technical these include real communica problem solving teamwork communication tion time management stress conflict balancing absorption manageme assertiveness co leadership organizational self nt managemen change adaptation etc t have achieve goals striking an ideal balance...