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picture1_Temperament Test Pdf 97018 | Test Your Temperament

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File: Temperament Test Pdf 97018 | Test Your Temperament
test your temperament for each table circle the words that best describe you at the bottom of each table record the number of words you circled calculate which table you ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Test your temperament for each table circle the words that best describe you at bottom of record number circled calculate which scored highest on and then check type are one two persistent likes to take charge enthusiastic risk taker confident determined visionary motivated firm enterprising energetic chatty enjoys challenges competitive promoter friendly problem solver productive sociable being popular bold purposeful fun loving variety driven adventurous spontaneous change strong willed independent creative group oriented self reliant controlling optimistic initiator authoritative goal laughs a lot inspirational total three four detailed accurate sensitive loyal consistent controlled calm well balanced reserved predictable easy going gives in easily practical orderly avoids confrontation indecisive factual conscientious routine dislikes perfectionist discerning warm dry humour instructions analytical adaptable sympathetic inquisitive precise thoughtful nurturing organised patient tol...

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