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...Journal of humanistic psychology volume number advocate for humanityalfried langle britt mari sykes january sage publications viktor frankl http jhp sagepub com hosted at online al humanity on his in th birthday summary founded the psychotherapeutic school known as logotherapy and existential analysis was a medical doctor whose interest burgeoning field psychoanalysis brought him into contact with theories freud adler s familiarity these two schools psychotherapy combined own philosophical approach to human nature became motivating factors desire reduce reductionism promote more fields psy chology medicine dedicated both life betterpartofhiscareertothetopicofmeaning suniquecontributionto focuses effect that meaning possibility free dom anddecisionhaveonanindividual spsychologicalwell beinganddevel opment thisarticleaimstoillustratefrankl suniquecontributiontopsychol ogy by providing brief biography highlighting contexts which theory emerged keywords alfriedlangle m d ph dr h c mult bor...