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picture1_Personality Pdf 96866 | Ijpb05 2

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File: Personality Pdf 96866 | Ijpb05 2
international journal of psychology and behavioral sciences 2012 2 2 28 37 doi 10 5923 j ijpbs 20120202 05 the significance of preschool teacher s personality in early childhood education ...

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...International journal of psychology and behavioral sciences doi j ijpbs the significance preschool teacher s personality in early childhood education analysis eysenck big five dimensions sanja tatalovi vorkapi department faculty rijeka croatia abstract considering influence on it is relevant to put research focus their characteristics therefore main question this study was explore traits teachers a run discussed within two models model subjects were n all females with mean age years ranged from analyses both showed higher levels extraversion agreeableness con sciousness openness experience social conformity than normative sample psychoticism level similar one neuroticism lower results frame as role none desirable context care keywords should leave classroom introduction an inner strength built day after through others kindergarten children have opportu that we develop into ourselves nity vasconcelos p l vygotsky experiences makes us wonder what kind does most adults are able remember e...

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