advances in social science education and humanities research volume 570 proceedings of the international conference on economics business social and humanities icebsh 2021 the role of parenting styles on neuroticism ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Advances in social science education and humanities research volume proceedings of the international conference on economics business icebsh role parenting styles neuroticism young adults gabriela carissa averina yang adinda zhafira venny brenda corinna jessica la belle emmanuela meylisa permata sari faculty psychology tarumanagara university jakarta indonesia corresponding author email fpsi untar ac id abstract several studies have shown risk to mental health found that one factors shaping personality is date however no recorded specifically examined indonesian population therefore this study aimed provide empirical evidence relation between with ages ranging from years resided metropolitan area bogor depok tangerang bekasi participated via online survey style measured using parental bonding instrument pbi big five inventory bfi was used evaluate participants results analysis showed a significant correlation particular it affectionless control produced significantly higher levels than...