File: Mmpi Pdf 96788 | Mmpi Pai Validity Comparison Lange
psychiatry research 176 2010 229 235 contents lists available at sciencedirect psychiatry research journal homepage www elsevier com locate psychres comparison of mmpi 2 and pai validity indicators to detect ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Psychiatry research contents lists available at sciencedirect journal homepage www elsevier com locate psychres comparison of mmpi and pai validity indicators to detect feigned depression ptsd symptom reporting a b c e d rael t lange karen sullivan clinton scott department bc mental health addiction services vancouver canada university british columbia school psychology counseling queensland technology brisbane australia institute biomedical innovation article info abstract history the purpose this study was compare clinical utility received july exaggeration psychological symptoms participants were female australian students in revised form february whocompletedthemmpi andpaiunderoneofthreeconditions control accepted march feign post traumatic stress disorder or n instructed keywords had signicantly higher scores on majority indicatorscomparedwithcontrols themeyersvalidityindex theobvious subtleindex andtheresponsebias scale werethemostaccuratemmpi validityindicators diagnostic specic...