peers affect personality development xiaoyue shan ulf zolitz university of pennsylvania university of zurich august 2022 abstract personality is a key component of human capital but causal evidence on the ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Peers affect personality development xiaoyue shan ulf zolitz university of pennsylvania zurich august abstract is a key component human capital but causal evidence on the formation remains scarce this paper studies impact we conduct field experiment in which randomly assign first semester students to study groups these find spillovers along three dimensions become more conscientious when assigned open minded and competitive detect no significant extraversion agreeableness or neuroticism effects conscientiousness competitiveness remain visible up years after suggesting that can leave lasting marks explain why some traits are transmissible than others propose simple model adopt productive from their provides noncognitive skills highlights socialization with influence keywords peer jel classification i j received helpful comments jan bietenbeck alexandra de gendre bart golsteyn feld edwin leuven corinne low nicolas salamanca participants cesifo area conference economics education sole ann...