gordon allport s trait theory in attempting to formulate an account of personality allport rejected the notion that what constitutes personality can in any way be traced back to or ...
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...Gordon allport s trait theory in attempting to formulate an account of personality rejected the notion that what constitutes can any way be traced back or attributed innate physiological processes as mccrae and costa have been doing he argued leont ev would later newborns lack a traits which yet form only rudiments is highest most excellent man are given at birth fully fashioned social moral being developed adult waits upon process growth nature critical problem for psychology above all else it must know how biological organism finds becomes transformed into person able take his place highly complex activities civilized world surrounding him p has post instinctive formation according course individuality one greater divergence from relatively standard pattern infancy dynamic substructures composed unique integrations formed individual experience heredity whatever conditions may present over development subsequent they by learning their motivational force recast possibly inhibited fetis...