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picture1_Journal Pdf 96618 | Chapter 2

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File: Journal Pdf 96618 | Chapter 2
chapter 2 framework of the theories 2 1 literature review based on the background above the writer uses a literature review consisting of primary and secondary the primary source the ...

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...Chapter framework of the theories literature review based on background above writer uses a consisting primary and secondary source thesis journal books that contain theoritical foundations other supporting such as intrinsic approach psychological research methods related to topic aditya rizky human incompleteness represented in characters katherine mansfield s short stories qualitative data find out what kind needs happened story analyses entitled miss brill woman at store canary have similarity they tell about same problem loneliness which is effect could not complete were relatedness growth while need existence had been completed already mega andini hierarchy through main character hitch film abraham maslow theory descriptive method analysis characteristics are smart care braggart responsible confident brave according consists five levels physiological safety love esteem self actualization from can fulfill it well because fact he has place live good salary fulfilling his order feel ...

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