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...Daftar pustaka ajzen i attitudes personality and behavior mcgraw hill education uk fishbein m the influence of on handbook azwar s sikap dan perilaku dalam manusia teori pengukurannya nd ed yogyakarta pelajar edisi belajar beerli a martin j d factors influencing destination image annals tourism research berkman h w lindquist sirgy consumer concepts marketing strategy lincoln wood il ntc business books bruyere b rappe identifying motivations environmental volunteers journal planning management chen c t hu l wang f study effects internship experiences behavioural intentions college students majoring in leisure taiwan hospitality sport clary e g snyder ridge r copeland stukas haugen miene p understanding assessing functional approach social psychology gumilar metode riset untuk bisnis manajemen utamalab hair multivariate data analysis new jersey prentice hall han lee k extending theory planned visa exemptions traveller decision making process geographies harder student volunteer movement ...