253 the british psychological british journal of psychology 2009 100 253 257 society q2009 the british psychological society www bpsjournals co uk commentary personality structureand measurement thecontributionsofraymond cattell william revelle ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The british psychological journal of psychology society q www bpsjournals co uk commentary personality structureand measurement thecontributionsofraymond cattell william revelle northwestern university evanston illinois usa raymond sinuence on eld is hard to overstate with over citations his lifetime work and an h rating contributions continue be well recognized productivity was amazing in yearsbefore he wrote target article b had already published at least articles or books another go bjp two same goal outliningabroad program researchinto structure measurementofpersonality c inthat sameyear heelaborated these ideas yet one more what wouldbecomehis a understandthetargetarticle itisimportanttounderstandbothofhisarticlesinbjpthat year as context research nished ph d spearman advice from fisher burt after several years went thorndike this early training factoranalysis intelligencetests would guidehis thinking forthe rest life although continued study intelligence later apply factoranalyti...