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...Journal of personality assessment copyright c taylor francis group llc issn print online doi specialsection measurestoassessmaladaptivevariantsofthefive factormodel thefive factor narcissism inventory a five measure narcissistic traits natalie glover joshua d miller donald r lynam cristina crego and thomas widiger department psychology university kentucky georgia psychological sciences purdue this study provides convergent discriminant incremental validity data for new created from the perspective model ffm general structure fifteen scales were constructed as maladaptive variants respective facets e g reactive anger variant angry hostility with item selection made on basis criterion keying approachusingresultsfromundergraduates onthebasisofdatafromadditionalundergraduates theconvergentvalidityofthesescales wastestedwithrespecttoestablishedmeasuresofnarcissism includingmeasuresofbothgrandioseandvulnerablenarcissism andtherespective was tested respect to other domains ability trait accou...