File: Personality Pdf 96465 | 30f1af70013a5dc3bd91c7d0db33e6802dc9
sa journal of industrial psychology 2004 30 4 65 77 sa tydskrif vir bedryfsielkunde 2004 30 4 65 77 using the occupational personality questionnaire opq for measuring broad traits delene ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sa journal of industrial psychology tydskrif vir bedryfsielkunde using the occupational personality questionnaire opq for measuring broad traits delene visser j m du toit programme in department human resource management rand afrikaans university abstract widespread acceptance big five model implies that consists relatively independent dimensions form a taxonomy whereby individual differences may be explained purpose this study was to investigate whether subscales an established inventory measures narrow could reduced meaningfully fit factor within south african context concept administered job applicants telecommunications sector exploratory analysis yielded six structure included factors corresponding sixth labelled interpersonal relationship harmony resembled description chinese tradition extracted non western society opsomming die wye aanvaarding van groot vyfmodel impliseer dat persoonlikheid uit relatief onafhanklike dimensies bestaan wat n taksonomie vorm waarmee individuele ver...