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picture1_Personality Pdf 96293 | P110331d

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File: Personality Pdf 96293 | P110331d
personality and individual differences 51 2011 57 62 contents lists available at sciencedirect personality and individual differences journal homepage www elsevier com locate paid narcissism and implicit attention seeking evidence ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Personality and individual differences contents lists available at sciencedirect journal homepage www elsevier com locate paid narcissism implicit attention seeking evidence from linguistic analyses of social networking online presentation a b c nathan dewall laura e buffardi ian bonser w keith campbell adepartment psychology university kentucky kastle hall lexington ky united states buniversidad de deusto avenida las universidades bilbao spain cdepartment georgia athens ga article info abstract history twostudies examined hownarcissism trait marked by self promotion vanity grandi received december osity related to how people communicate information about themselves we predicted that nar in revised form february cissists ways draw specically accepted march narcissistic who used relatively few rst person singular pronouns g i me would dis play more promoting sexy images on their facebook prole pages study keywords andwouldusemoreprofaneandaggressivewordsinanonlineself descriptivetask bo...

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