e issn 2348 1269 print issn 2349 5138 carl rogers views on congruent personality through humanism and actualization of self mayankkumar m patel research scholar department of education sardar patel ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...E issn print carl rogers views on congruent personality through humanism and actualization of self mayankkumar m patel research scholar department education sardar university v nagar gujarat received april accepted may abstract when you were a young man or lady did need to grow up be firefighter motion picture star ballet performer eventually most likely surrendered that fantasy for something more feasible unless presently are artist at the point our fantasies give off an impression being out achieve outcome is frequently dissatisfaction anxiety uneasiness numerous individuals end surrendering their trusting they difficult accomplish these people have taken in agony incongruence acquainted idea with brain science s albeit general utilization word has come mean conflicting incongruent had particular definition as main priority he characterized consistency coordinating experience mindfulness was along lines lacking harmoniousness having emotions not adjusted your activities key words lea...