sa journal of industrial psychology 2003 29 1 68 74 sa tydskrif vir bedryfsielkunde 2003 29 1 68 74 the big five personality dimensions and job performance s rothmann e ...
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...Sa journal of industrial psychology tydskrif vir bedryfsielkunde the big five personality dimensions and job performance s rothmann e p coetzer research programme human resource management for development unit decision making economic pu che abstract objective this was to determine relationship between a cross sectional survey design used study population consisted employees pharmaceutical company neo inventory revised appraisal questionnaire were as measuring instruments results showed that emotional stability extraversion openness experience conscientiousness related task creativity three namely agreeableness explained variance in participants opsomming die doelstelling van hierdie navorsing om verband tussen persoonlikheidsdimensies en werksprestasie te bepaal n eenmalige dwarsdeursnee ontwerp is gebruik ondersoekgroep het bestaan uit werknemers binne farmaseutiese organisasie prestasiebeoordelingsvraelys meet instrumente resultate aangetoon dat emosionele stabiliteit ekstroversie k...