File: Personality Pdf 96157 | Bab 2 Item Download 2022-09-20 05-42-03
hamzah 7 chapter 2 literature review 2 1 theoretical framework this research applies some theories which help to analyze mathilde as character and her suffering the first and main theory ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Hamzah chapter literature review theoretical framework this research applies some theories which help to analyze mathilde as character and her suffering the first main theory is psychoanalysis by sigmund freud focusing on unconsciousness a new model of psyche id ego superego next motive supporting applied support analysis especially for uncovering causes s last criticism concerning characterization understand including what type person she how personality lives in society psychology literary approach views work psychological activity endraswara other hand barry defines that psychoanalytic form uses techniques interpretation itself therapy aims cure mental disorders investigating interaction conscious unconscious elements mind statements above imply are closely related because creation process author thought imagination certainly influenced also used tool interpret besides it denotes important understanding human behavior same thing prevails analyzing story reflection life presents vari...