The words contained in this file might help you see if this file matches what you are looking for:
...The myers briggs types istj reliant isfj nurturer infj mystic intj free thinker istp realist isfp aesthete infp dreamer intp wizard estp adventurer esfp joker enfp visionary entp innovator estj enforcer esfj helper enfj sage entj leader quiet serious earn success by thoroughness and dependability practical matter of fact realistic responsible decide logically what should be done work toward it steadily regardless distraction take pleasure in making everything orderly organized their home life value traditions loyalty friendly conscientious committed steady meeting obligations thorough painstaking accurate loyal considerate notice remember specifics about people are important to them concerned with how others feel strive create an harmonious environment at seek meaning connection ideas relationships material possessions want understand motivate insightful firm values develop a clear vision best serve common good decisive implementing have original minds great drive for achieving goals q...