myers briggs type indicator mbti personality profiling and general weighted average gwa of nursing students 1 myers briggs type indicator mbti personality profiling and general weighted average gwa of nursing ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Myers briggs type indicator mbti personality profiling and general weighted average gwa of nursing students shedy dee c mallari rpm lpt jose maria g pelayo iii masd assessment counseling alumni placement center acap october abstract the study focused on investigation existing dynamics between participants were college in angeles city philippines all administered with instrument descriptive statistics measures central tendency was used to analyze data averages higher introversion compared extroversion sensing intuition judging perceiving thinking feeling moreover results revealed that top five types had highest s infp istj infj esfp estj respectively surprisingly majority isfj which is not included keywords academic performance introduction are best predictors human behavior motivational influences individual work research studies have drawn conclusions upon appropriate for different functions experience emotionally significant situations individuals vary manner they relate or infer the...