european journal of business and management www iiste org issn 2222 1905 paper issn 2222 2839 online vol 5 no 10 2013 personality and learning motivation dorothea wahyu ariani department ...
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...European journal of business and management www iiste org issn paper online vol no personality learning motivation dorothea wahyu ariani department economic faculty atma jaya yogyakarta university jl babarsari indonesia tel e mail dwariani gmail com abstract in this study i investigated the relationship between traits motivations by correlating big five model core self evaluation achievement affiliation intrinsic extrinsic for leaning data were collected from participants using a questionnaire regression analysis results indicated that extraversion agreeableness openness to experience conscientiousness positively associated with but neuroticism was also related negatively furthermore are two concept mutually exclusive implications further research directions then discussed keywords factor introduction numerous researchers have is one most important determinants human behavior work main views organizational has been dispositional factors situational determinant erez other words situatio...