department of fashion technology b a pass course semester i basic design code fst 101 credits 3 periods week 3 45 hrs max marks 100 ca 30 see 70 objectives ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Department of fashion technology b a pass course semester i basic design code fst credits periods week hrs max marks ca see objectives to create awareness and its interpretation foster appreciation dress designing unit definition understanding aspects classification structural applied process concept research exploration conceptualization development worksheet ii elements o lines types application color wheel harmonies texture factors affecting textures form space shape silhouette principles harmony proportion balance rhythm emphasis iii fabric pattern motifs motif in garment construction effect on body iv figure type analysis selecting clothing according v the choice colors prints age size personality complexion occasion books recommended essentials reading garthe mary rockport publishers manila chata romano plan your wardrobe new holland publisher sumathi g j apparel international p ltd lyle dorothy contemporary bennett mc knight publishing company peoria illinois reference bride m w...