File: Fashion Pdf 95612 | Author’s Accepted Manuscript (aam)
author name tanveer ahmed the open university uk author email tanveer ahmed open ac uk title are fashion sketchbooks racist abstract drawing on scholar marc auge s concept of non ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Author name tanveer ahmed the open university uk email ac title are fashion sketchbooks racist abstract drawing on scholar marc auge s concept of non place this paper contributes to growing studies that focus ways in which produces racism recent years have shown a rise scrutiny by social media garments and campaigns problematically stereotype appropriate other marginalized cultures however less attention has been given how is constructed through design practices education curricula such as different activities techniques constitute ideation process indeed few date examined commonplace tools measuring tapes or mannequins reinscribe forms othering sets out critically examine representations discuss role ubiquitous tool might play encouraging undergraduate students were chosen for study due importance catalyst future from an initial sample seventy twelve showed cultural difference over reliance excessive imagery with limited text these strategies pattern reproducing ahistorical static ide...