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picture1_Fashion Pdf 95575 | Amiko Ajeng Oktadwianti, M Ibs, 2018 2

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File: Fashion Pdf 95575 | Amiko Ajeng Oktadwianti, M Ibs, 2018 2
aspek pembentuk negative emotion studi pada fast fashion di indonesia amiko ajeng oktadwianti nim 20131111069 dr whony rofianto s t m si indonesia banking school jakarta abstract fast fashion is ...

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...Aspek pembentuk negative emotion studi pada fast fashion di indonesia amiko ajeng oktadwianti nim dr whony rofianto s t m si banking school jakarta abstract is an important strategy for the world in building development can be intermediary when consumers make unplanned buying will cause emotions purpose of this research to find role perishability and low price as driving factor attitude toward retail implication data collection using online questionnaire with a sample respondents residing territory ever do shopping on zara store analysis structural equation modeling sem method summary result are have positive impact scarcity significant doesn impulse keywords pendahuluan merupakan sebuah konsep baru yang muncul didunia mengacu strategi bisnis mencerminkan respon cepat terhadap tren dengan meningkatkan desain dan produk efektif untuk nilai jumlah permintaan suatu bersiklus pendek choi liu mak sull turconi menurut doeringer crean siklus hidup adalah satu bulan atau kurang selain design j...

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